Sunday, January 25, 2009

Into Chile...

Saturday, January 24th: Valuable lessons were gleaned at the Chilean border, as the team naively waited in a long queue of cars waiting at the Argentinian checkpoint, only to discover we were not even "in the system." Eventually, by watching the locals, we learned one had to queue up in person inside the Customs Hall. Four hours later, we had mastered the process with few scars to show (unless tedium leaves a noticeable mark). We were finally in Chile. Another hour of driving and the cars boarded the ferry to cross the Magellan Strait. While Jack mused about how the original explorer must have felt in the beautifully jade green waters, we were entertained by a pod of Commerson dolphins, the smallest dolphins in the world, who played in the ship´s wake as we crossed to the other side. Tierra del Fuego at last!

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